Tell us how to improve Shakepay and see suggestions from our community
Add Lightning Network
Wen lightening? Highly requested feature that I'm sure we would all love and use very often!
Under consideration
Bring back Shakepay Earn.
Shakepay used to pay interest in Bitcoin for holding a balance in dollars. It was amazing. I would gladly keep my savings in Shakepay rather than a traditional bank ...
Under consideration
Display bitcoin amounts in sats
This is the way. ₿ as the sat symbol.
I’m tired of seeing ₿ 420 as 0.0000042
Under consideration
All Time Profit/Losses on Purchases
A way to see if our crypto purchases are up or down X%
Under consideration
Allow Shaking by Tapping Flame Symbol in App
Look, sometimes our phones can't be shaken because of some software or hardware problem, and that's frustrating. It's happened to me a few times and is very scary! ...
Under consideration
Remove Ethereum, focus 100% on Bitcoin.
It will help to align with Shakepay’s goal of ushering in the Bitcoin golden age. It also removes the distraction of altcoins to new users.
Under consideration
Offer a Shake Freeze to protect streaks
Every 365 days, reward users with a one-time Shake Freeze to protect their streak. This would be a low-cost (basically zero-cost!) way to reward loyal shakers, but a ...
Under consideration
Ability to remove inactive Squad Members
If person doesn’t contribute by making purchases for a while - the rest of members can vote to remove the inactive person
Only active Shakers can vote on ejecting ...
Under consideration
Check deposit on Shakepay account with camera
Ability to directly add funds to your Shakepay account from bank checks, by using your phone camera.
Under consideration
Weekly in-app mini games to earn additional sats
A weekly rotation of skill or luck based mini games (e.x Snake, Tetris, black jack, spin the wheel) built into the app where shakers can play to earn more sats or ...
Under consideration
Earn BTC on bill payments
I like the ability to pay bills using my shakepay balance, however since there are no BTC rewards for doing such I will continue to use my bank to do so.
Under consideration
Add an Average Price field that keeps track of the average price paid
Under consideration
Airdrop new $SHAKE token
Generate buzz and reward active users by launching a new $SHAKE token airdrop (similar to recent $JUP airdrop for users of Jupiter DEX on Solana ecosystem).
Under consideration
Shaker Leaderboards
Add an ability to view leaderboards for shakers in the following categories:
- Longest streak
- Most referrals
- Most sats stacked
- Highest shakepaid
- Etc
Under consideration
Automatic Payments
It would be nice to be able to have automatic payments (loans / mortgages) come from my Shakepay so I can say goodbye to my bank account for good.
Under consideration
Enable Shakepals or Shakesitters!
Build the Shakepay community by allowing members to shake on behalf of others when they are hospitalized or in stuck airplane mode.
Under consideration
Additional Card benefits
Add additional card benefits similar to traditional credit cards offered by the big 6…now 5? I.e travel insurance, extended warranty, mobile protection, rental car ...
Under consideration
Weekly #shakesquad competitions
A leaderboard reset weekly with a prize for the squad with the stackiest stack.
Under consideration
Shakepay Savings Account
Looking for a separate account to hold dollars in that isn’t accessible for spending via the shakepay card.
Also the capability to make this a joint account with ...
Under consideration
Loan against BTC
It would be great if we could move some BTC to our Shakepay wallet and “lock” a certain amount against a loan. I know that Jean mentioned several times that this was ...
Under consideration
Improve Shake It Forward
Add small improvements to shake it forward (SIF) feature, including:
- Add amount shared in shaker profile.
- Ability to give Sats as well as CAD which would be ...
Under consideration
Revert the minimum bitcoin withdrawal limit
The minimum BTC withdrawal limit is now 10x higher than it was a few months ago, making it unusable for use cases that I previously considered a core feature.
Under consideration
Ability to remove previous Shakepay contacts
There is currently no ability to remove previous contacts you engaged with in Shakepay. For example, I sent money to someone who had a shakepay account and is no ...
Under consideration
Offline ShakingSats
For shakers that are in remote areas, away from any signal, it would be rad if there was an offline ShakingSats 1 day lifeline to keep streaks alive. Maybe 1 lifeline ...
Under consideration
Shakepay Goals
Round up is a great feature, but how about reworking the idea with a goal system.
Shakepay Goal is similar to the round up system, but it aims to achieve a ...
Under consideration
Add CDIC and CIPF insurance or clarify your insurance to us (up to $?)
We don't know exactly how safe our funds are with Shakepay. If Shakepay were to go bankrupt, I'm afraid we could lose all of our funds. Wealthsimple for example, ...
Under consideration
Pre-Authorized debits
With pre authorization for debits, I could completely close another bank account where monthly bills are pre authorized from.
Under consideration
Improve how to get Statements
The current process to get statements is cumbersome.
Improve it two ways:
1. Allow to download them from Website
2. From the app, let me select which statement I ...
Shakepay shaker bottle
A shakepay shaker bottle so we have more things to shake!
Under consideration
Submit T5 and other necessary data to the CRA
Would help make the tax season easier on Canadians.
Under consideration
Badges - add a page so we can see them zoomed in
In our profile, when you click a badge, the platform loads another page to see in detail the badge and how we got it. It'd be cool to see how rare it is as well, as ...
Under consideration
Shakepay Crypto Marketplace
You can create a marketplace that allows users to buy and sell goods and services using their shakepay crypto with no transaction fees. You can enable users to list ...
Under consideration
CAD buckets
Split your CAD balance in different envelopes/buckets to help budget expenses - at all times you can change what bucket your SP card is linked to and is gonna pull ...
Under consideration
Merch Store
Allow us to just go nuts and just buy Shakepay merch so we can continue to rep!
Under consideration
Switch between Old and New version of app
A lot of people prefer how simple the old interface was, obviously including me. This would be a great feature to add.
Under consideration
Raise Minimum Amount to be Active
Let's get rid of some of the leechers who only spend $1 a week (and then sell, they spending maybe 10 cents) to stay active. They aren't needed, and are taking away ...
Under consideration
Registered Investment Accounts
Ability to open and manage a registered investment account such as an RRSP, TFSA, FHSA, RESP etc…
Under consideration
Shakepay to create a service for businesses so that they can offer their customers Bitcoin rewards
I own a couple of businesses, and I am constantly looking for unique and eye-catching ways to inspire customer loyalty. It occurred to me that if I could partner with ...
Under consideration
View Bitcoin balance in Sats
Add the ability to view your Bitcoin balance in Sats! So 0.00493602 btc would show as 493602 sats.
Under consideration
Incentivized card spend categories
Other cash-back cards offer increased rewards for certain categories like groceries, fuel, or restaurants. Offering the same would allow better competition with these ...
Under consideration
Add a bonus for total sats stacked at high levels.
Have a bonus of some kind for individuals who stack extremely high amounts of sats. Starting at maybe 5 million minimum but probably even higher.
The clients who ...
Under consideration
Improve Insights (Add Spending for Card, P&L for BTC/ETH)
The current insights are not that useful.
We need additional insights that are more active to improve user experience.
- Show spending amounts from Shakepay Card ...
Under consideration
Add a ShakeSquad leaderboard
Add a ShakeSquad leaderboard, so that members of a ShakeSquad can view the total amount of Sats rewarded/purchases made by each member of the ShakeSquad, and so ...
Under consideration
Provide a tally of pending custom orders.
Provide a tally of pending custom orders. This way members can easily check if their cash balance is sufficient.
Under consideration